Thursday, July 7, 2011

RE: 07.07.11~Readings for Sunday, July 10th-2011

With a special emphasis on Hispanic ministry in the spirit of Encuentro 2000
To increase the Catholic community’s understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity in the Church.

Identify processes and resources for the evangelization of cultures including the prevailing U.S. culture.
Provide guidance that will help Church organizations to consistently include cultural diversity when developing policies and social and pastoral responses.

To include diverse cultures in the life and leadership of dioceses, parishes and other Catholic organizations in the United States.

Invite various cultures in the Catholic community to collaborate in addressing issues and developing initiatives that affect the whole Church, including people with special pastoral needs (e.g. language, migrant workers, military families.)
Identify best practices and develop models for pastoring multicultural parishes especially those with a growing Hispanic population.
Promote formation to gain knowledge, motivation and skills in ministering to a culturally diverse Church.
Strengthen the continuing formation of priests, religious, seminarians and lay ecclesial ministers coming from other countries.

The timeline for some of the proposed programs, events and items coming from the five priority initiatives.
Have questions?
Find some answers and more information in the videos from the USCCB Priority Pastoral Plan Meeting.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops | 3211 4th Street NE | Washington DC 20017-119

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