SUNDAY READINGS - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
FIRST READING: Wisdom 7:7-11. I prayed, and understanding was given me; I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me, I preferred her to scepters and thrones, and I accounted wealth as nothing in comparison with her. Neither did I liken to her any priceless gem, because all gold is but a little sand in her sight, and silver will be accounted as clay before her. I loved her more than health and beauty, and I chose to have her rather than light, because her radiance never ceases. All good things come to me along with her, and in her hands uncounted wealth.
EXPLANATION: On the Book of Wisdom, see the 13th Sunday of the year. In today's verses from this inspired book, the author says that he received the gift of wisdom from God, a gift which he esteemed as of greater value than all the riches this earth holds. Health and beauty of body are not to be compared with wisdom, which brings with it numerous other gifts.
I prayed...God: These are two parallel lines with the same meaning. Understanding, the power to discern truth, is the same as wisdom.
preferred...thrones: The gift of wisdom is far more valuable to a man than a king's scepter.
wealth as nothing: If asked to choose between wealth and wisdom, there would be no hesitation by the author. There is really no comparison between wealth and wisdom.
gold...clay: In general wealth consists of gold and/or silver, both of which are without value when compared with wisdom.
health and beauty: Even these two gifts, so important if one is considering life on earth, become unattractive to the author if asked to choose between them and wisdom; his vision is not bounded by the ends of this earth.
rather than light: He prefers wisdom even to the light which is so necessary for life and movement here on earth. The reason is that wisdom gives an unending radiance here and hereafter.
all...wealth: Wisdom brings with it the really good things for man's genuine welfare both in the present life and in the future. The really wise man has untold wealth.
APPLICATION: Though this Book of Wisdom was written over two thousand years ago, the message we have read from it today is so timely and practical for us Christians that it might well have been written last week! The reason is that real wisdom is unchangeable. It is a correct knowledge and understanding of the eternal truths that God has revealed to us and as these truths are unchanged and unchangeable so is our knowledge of them. The author clearly realized that reaching eternal life was the one and only aim worth striving for in this life; all his other occupations here below were only temporary and transient while eternal life is permanent and therefore well worth the sacrifice of all earthly attractions.
He was willing to forego all earthly wealth: gold, silver and precious gems, and all earthly power including a king's throne, rather than desert wisdom which would lead him to everlasting wealth. This is what all sane men would and should do when they are convinced that an unending life of happiness awaits them. No Christian doubts this. The very meaning of Christianity is a rule of life which directs our actions while on this earth, so that we shall enter heaven when we die. Christ did not come on earth without a purpose; he did not suffer and die in vain. He became man and suffered and died so that those who would follow him and keep the rules he laid down for them would enter into heaven when they breathed their last breath.
It was not then to make life here hard for us but to put eternal life within our reach that he commanded us to bear our crosses, our troubles and trials in life. He told us not to let ourselves be ensnared by the attractions of this world, its wealth, its positions of honor, its pleasures. But he did not forbid us to use wisely, that is, in moderation and within his rules, the pleasures, power and goods of this world. As Christians, we can enjoy the pleasures and happiness of family life; we can own property; we can accept positions of authority---provided always that these things will not come between us and our real life which is eternal life.
It is here that too many Christians fail. They let themselves become so absorbed in their pursuit of pleasure, or in the acquisition of wealth or power, that they leave themselves no time for the things of God, the things that really matter. If such people only stopped and asked themselves the question: during the two thousands years of Christianity did any of those who lost heaven because they became too absorbed in the things of earth, ever get real happiness and satisfaction out of their few years on earth? Was there ever a rich man who was truly happy with all he had, and deliberately stopped getting richer? Was there ever a pleasure-lover who could say that he was content with all the pleasure he had received? Did not these very pleasures interfere with his health and shorten the already too-short span he had to enjoy himself?
No, chasing after the will-of-the-wisp attractions of this life is not the occupation of a sane man, much less of the truly wise man---as a Christian is by his profession. We have been given a period of time here during which we can earn our future reward; any days, months or years wasted on other pursuits will be hard to replace. The mercy of God is infinite, and while there have been from time to time exceptional cases of deathbed conversions, the only sure way of passing our final examination is to have learned, during the years God gave us for this purpose here below, the answers to the questions we shall be asked.
SECOND READING: Hebrews 4:12-13. The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are open and laid bare to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
EXPLANATION: In today's two verses of this letter the author warns all Christians that nothing they do can be hidden from God for their innermost thoughts and intentions are known to him. They must, therefore, live, act and think as true Christians if they would enter into the rest that God has prepared for them---not in the promised land but in heaven (see 4: 1-11).
Word of God: The reference is to the judgement of God or God as judge of man and not to Christ who is called the Word of God in St. John.
living and active: It is in the midst of us producing its effects.
sharper...piercing: It can penetrate and pierce into man's most interior and hidden recesses.
thoughts and intentions: This man can hide from his fellowman but not from God; man's secret thoughts and plans are known to the all-wise God. do: The J.B.'s and C.V.'s translation : "to whom we have to give account of ourselves," is better than the above translation of the RSV. Man's innermost self is laid open and bare (uncovered) before God his judge and therefore any attempt at hiding anything from him is worse than useless.
APPLICATION: The sacred author of this epistle, writing for Jewish converts who presumably knew their history, is urging them not to make the same mistake as did their ancestors in the desert. They did not believe God's promise and they disobeyed him. For that reason they did not enter into the Promised Land of Canaan, they died in the desert. Now Christians through Christ have been promised and are made heirs of God's place of eternal rest, but unless they live their faith and obey God they too will end up like their disobedient ancestors in the desert.
Some of his intended readers may have been foolish themselves---pretending externally to be Christians while their thoughts and intentions were not. He reminds them of God's omniscience. He knows not only their external actions but their every thought and their most secret intentions. Therefore, external observance will not earn the heavenly rest for them, their heart and spirit must be in their daily observance of the Christian way of life.
There is a warning here for all of us and it is that not a single thought or action of our lives can remain unknown to the God who will be our Judge on our day of reckoning. We can fool ourselves, and fool our neighbors by carrying out the externals of the Christian law while in our hearts we have evil thoughts, evil intentions and sentiments of rebellion against our Creator. The Christian who behaves in this way is foolish in the extreme and he is fooling only himself. He cannot hide his wrong intentions or his rebellious inclinations from God who reads his heart and his mind. Unless he changes his relations with God and humbly submits himself to God's will he has little hope of entering the promised land of heaven.
Among us there are others who spoil and make useless those Christian acts that would earn heaven for them---by their refusal to repent of a sin or sins they have committed. To their friends and neighbors they may appear as model Christians but in the eyes of God they are proud and stubborn subjects who will not bend their knee to God and ask for the pardon which he is ever willing to give even to the greatest sinners. While they are in this state of sin they can earn no merit for heaven. Our God is a God of mercy, he has gone to incredible lengths to share his kingdom with us. He knows all our weaknesses and is ever ready to raise us up again when we fall---if we repent and turn to him. There is no sin we can commit, no matter how serious it be, that he cannot forgive and blot out if only we ask him to do so. Of those Christians whom God will have to condemn on the judgement day not one will be condemned because he sinned: but he will be condemned because he did not repent and ask God's pardon for his sins.
Let us never forget that God's eyes are always on us, not only to see our innermost faults but also to be ever ready to succor and help us. He is a loving Father and he will not give us a cross too heavy to bear. If, when we have crosses, we stay close to him and ask for his help he will most certainly answer our call.
GOSPEL: Mark 10: 17-30. As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.'" And he said to him, "Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth." And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said to him, "You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!" And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." And they were exceedingly astonished, and said to him, "Then who can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." Peter began to say to him, "Lo, we have left everything and followed you." Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the Gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life."
EXPLANATION: The lesson in today's reading from St. Mark's Gospel is: How hard it is for the rich of this world, who are attached to their riches, to enter eternal life. However, although it is hard it is not impossible; God can give the grace to overcome this worldly attraction.
Good Teacher: By adding "good" to the usual salutation: Rabbi, Teacher, this man most probably was stressing the great esteem he had for Christ. Perhaps he accepted him as the promised Messiah when he asked how he could enter the "eternal life."
why...good?: The rich man had no suspicion that Christ was anything more than a man and therefore should not be called by a title which at the time was reserved for God---the only one who was good by his very nature. Of this Christ reminds the rich man.
you...commandments: This was a challenge to the man and to his understanding of the saving power of the Mosaic Law. The man's answer shows that he knew the Mosaic Law would not be sufficient to earn for him the eternal messianic kingdom. He had always observed the commandments and still felt that more was needed.
Jesus loved him: This probably means: "showed him some gesture of affection" as the aorist tense in Greek implies.
still...poor: This was a weighty demand---it meant more than giving alms to the needy which probably he already had done---but it was only a necessary prelude to a further demand: "come, follow me."
went...sorrowful: Although this man was anxious to gain eternal life, the pull of the wealth of this world was too strong. He could not do what Christ told him. He could not give away all of his great riches and follow Christ. Therefore he was sorrowful, for he feared he was putting eternal life beyond his reach. Christ tells his disciples that one of the greatest barriers preventing entrance into heaven will be earthly riches.
disciples were amazed: Because worldly prosperity among the Jews was looked on as a sign of God's blessing on good-living people, the disciples could not see why riches should be a barrier to heaven.
camel...needle: This was a proverb expressing impossibility, and perhaps referred to some gate or passage so narrow that a camel could not pass through it.
exceedingly astonished: Christ's last statement seems to say that no rich man can enter heaven, but he goes on to explain to his disciples the full meaning of what he had said.
with man...impossible: No rich man could ever renounce all his wealth or use it with Christian detachment, unless God gave him the grace to do so; God can give that necessary grace.
Peter...everything: As usual, Peter speaks for the Apostles. Here, perhaps a little proud of himself and the others, he reminds Christ of their having left everything. It was not a lot indeed but yet it was all they had or could have had. Later they gave their lives, the greatest offering any men could make.
truly...hundredfold: Christ promises them that the eternal kingdom which they will inherit will be worth a hundred times more than all they have left.
now...persecutions: This verse is probably not part of Christ's promise but was added by Mark. It contrasts this life, its wealth or attachments---with persecution either threatening or present in fact---with the age to come, and eternal life---in peace and happiness without fear of any interference. This age to come is not only a hundredfold but a millionfold better than the present life.
APPLICATION: By coming to Jesus with his problem this man has done all Christians a good turn. We have learned from Christ's answer that over-attachment to worldly goods is one of the big obstacles to entering heaven. The man in this story was a good-living man, he kept all the commandments from his youth upward and he had an interest in eternal life, while many of his compatriots of that day had not. Reading this man's heart like an open book, Christ saw that not only was he fit for eternal life but that he was one who could have a very high place in heaven if he would leave everything and become a close follower of his. Not only would be become a saint, but he would lead many to sanctity.
The price to pay for this privilege, however, seemed too high to this "good man." "He had great possessions" and he was too attached to them so he could not accept Christ's offer, "his countenance fell and he went away sorrowful." Although his case was exceptional, Christ saw in him the makings of a saint and he asked him to make an exceptional sacrifice, one which he did not and does not ask of all his followers; his remark to the disciples later: "how hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God" holds for all time and for all mankind.
This statement of Christ, however, does not mean that a follower may not possess any of this world's goods. He may possess and use those goods, but what he must not do is to allow them to take such a hold on him that he has no time for acquiring everlasting goods---the Christian virtues. Unfortunately, there are Christians whose whole purpose in this life is the accumulation of worldly goods. Concentration on such accumulation is wrong, but in many cases the methods of acquisition are unjust: defrauding laborers of their just wages; overcharging customers; cheating in business deals; giving false measures and many other devices which produce unearned wealth.
All this is far from Christian justice, and those who have let such sinful greed to regulate their lives are certainly not on the road, to heaven. There are other sins, of course, which can keep us from heaven, but of all the sins a man can commit this irrational greed for the wealth of this world seems the most unreasonable of them all. How utterly inane and foolish to have spent a lifetime collecting something from which we shall soon be parted forever! The rich man's bank-book and his gilt-edged shares will be not only valueless in the after-life but they, if unjustly acquired, will be witnesses for the prosecution at the judgement on which one's eternal future depends. While most of us are not guilty of such excessive greed for wealth, we all do need to examine our consciences as to how we acquire and use the limited wealth we have. There are very rich men who have acquired their wealth honestly and justly and who spend much of their wealth on charitable causes. Their wealth will not hinder them from reaching heaven. On the other hand, there are many in the middle and lower income-bracket who may be offending against justice through the means they use to acquire what they have, and in the little helps which they refuse to a needy neighbor. We may not be able to found a hospital for the poor, or pay an annuity to support the family of a disabled fellow workman, but we are not excused from bringing a little gift to our neighbors who are in hospital, or from supplying even part of a meal for the dependents of the injured workman.
Remember that Christ praised the widow who put a mite (a cent) into the collection-box for the poor in the temple area, and he also said that a cup of cold water given in his name would not go without reward. We need not be rich in order to be charitable; often our own exaggerated sense of our poverty can make us hard-hearted and mean toward our fellowman who look to us for help. The true Christian, whose principal purpose in life is to serve God, will not overburden himself with unnecessary pieces of luggage; instead he will travel light and be ever ready to help others also to carry their burdens.-b409
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